Student Clubs

Personality Development Club (Abhyudaya)


Generally we accept the idea the first impression is the last impression. Some form the impression based on the physical appearance like height, weight, colour, body built, dress, voice, etc. are also effected to our personality. On the other hand some others base their impressions on the intellectual qualities like intelligence, activeness, way of communication, thinking and reasoning abilities, promptness, positivity, interest and Impressions are also formed based on social characteristics like sociability, generosity, kindness etc. And these impressions lead to one’s personality. Psychologists bet to differ from common impressions of personality. According to them, ‘the real or inner qualities of a person will be different from, that of the qualities seen apparently. GW Allport the famous contributor clearly defines personality is the dynamic organization, within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment’. Personality is not only concerned with physical traits but also referred to overall or holistic development of an individual.

Personality development club play significant role in shaping personality of students. As we know that family is important and consider as primary place where a child learn the basics of personality after that educational institution plays key role in fostering personality.


• To develop self-confidence and effectively perform in professional and personal environment.
• To give opportunity to students to understand the comprehensive meaning of personality.
• Polishing manners to behave appropriately in social and professional circles.
• To organize multiple activities for fostering personality.
• Developing and maintaining a positive attitude and being assertive.
• To give exposure to students to evaluate our strength and weaknesses to be able to work on them for a better future.
• To plan strategies for handle difficult situations with grace, style and professionalism.
• Helping to overcome one’s flaw together.


1. Dr. Mitesh Juneja


1. Ms. Rubal Rajora


1. Mr. Ankit Khandelwal

Office Bearers

1. Ishika Dadhich (President) B.C.A.Part- III
2. Punita Singh Rathore (Vice President) B.Sc.B.Ed.Part- III
3. Shivani Banjara (General Secretary) B.A.Part-II
4. Khushi Saini (Joint Secretary) B.A.Part-I

The club will organize multiple activities and event highlighting soft skills like communication, leadership, learning, motivation, creativity, time management, physical appearance, team building, problem solving nature and adaptability. Following are the listed activities which will be organized by the club according to the time and conditions:-

• Ice braking activities
• Language and communication skill activities
• Workshop
• Seminar/ webinar
• Interactive session


• Dr. MiteshJuneja- Coordinator
• Ms. RubalRajora- Co-Coordinator
• Mr. AnkitKhandelwal- Member

Team-Students (Office Bearers)

• President- IshikaDadhich B.C.A. Part III
• Vice President- Punita Singh Rathore B.Sc. B.Ed. Part III
• General Secretary- ShivaniBanjara B.A. Part II
• Joint Secretary- Khushi Saini B.A. Part I

Proposed Activity

• Interactive Sessions
• Brain storming sessions
• Personality Development Training program/Workshop/ Seminar
• Extension Lecture
• Field trip/ visit/ survey
• Various Competitions (online and offline)

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