In order to acquire all sorts of reading and research materials, there is an Acquisition Section which acquires and collects them for the use of the readers. In order to provide these reading materials, the acquisition section after accessioning the reading materials sends them to the Technical Section for processing so that books and other reading materials could be used in their respective sections.
2. Technical Section:
There is a Technical Section for processing of all reading and research materials acquired, where they are classified and catalogued and label and pasting before they are sent to respective sections to be used by the readers.
3. Circulation Section
This section provides reading material to students for home. Users can borrow and return books through this section. At present there are 30,000 books approx. in the central library, for issue and returns of books.
4. Periodical; Section:
There is a well-equipped section of Periodical Literature for meeting the information needs of research scholars and the students. In this Section all the current periodicals are displayed properly for the use of the readers and their back and bound volumes are maintained in systematic order. At present there are 35 print journals in the central library.
5. Research and Reference Section:
In this section, doctoral dissertations approved by this University, are maintained properly, and available for consultation to the research scholars / teachers of affiliated Colleges and research scholars of other Universities also. This section also maintains other reference materials required for research purpose.
6. Reprographic Section:
To provide Reprographic services, there is a Photocopier section, which has an advanced photocopying machine for providing Photostat copies of the document.
7. E-Library cum Internet Section:
At present library Internet facility for all users in the library. Through this facility users search and use internet in library. IFW ERP College Campus Software is available in the library for library management and student search his books in OPAC.
Open Access and Arrangement of Reading Materials
The members have the privilege of direct access to the shelves in the stack halls and the freedom to browse among the books during specified hours.
While books can be freely taken out of the shelves, on no account should they be reserved by the members because of the misplacement.
The classified arrangement of Reading materials according to the 23rd edition of Dewey Decimal Classification scheme with classification numbers, is maintained on the shelves for the convenience of the members themselves.